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ARTSNCT - It begins January 2016

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Newcomerstown welcomes a newly formed organization; ARTSNCT INC., an alliance of the arts, will begin limited operations January 2016. Michael Wise who will be at its helm as executive director has created the nonprofit arts organization for our youth and our community.

ARTSNCT's mission is to actively support and promote the education of the arts through training, performance, exhibition, publication, and other means possible. And that means that ARTSNCT is destined to be an organization that wears many hats and will lend a helping hand and support to many local events and activities.

To establish a solid foundation on which to build, Michael presented some of his goals and ideas to a select group of professionals before asking for their support of the organization. ARTSNCT currently has an acting board of directors until its bylaws are finalized. Acting President is Eric S. Spears, Senior Technical Writer/Editor at Human Solutions, Inc. Acting Vice President is Andrew Wackerfuss, PhD., a professor at Georgetown University, and Historian for the U.S. Air Force. Mr. Spears and Dr. Wackerfuss’s expertise and connections to the arts in Washington, DC have already proven to be more than beneficial to the organization.

An Honorary Board of Directors has also been established. These individuals have pledged to provide their support and expertise to ARTSNCT, and to act as liaisons to their own organizations and businesses. Honorary Chairman is Pat Cadle, Mayor-elect of Newcomerstown. Honorary Directors are Heather Stein-Wells and K. Kristi Wilkin, both of the City Council; Dave Archer, Board of Education; Jeff Staggs, Superintendent of Schools; and David “Cody” Addy, Director of Newcomerstown Public Library.

Mike Hoskins has also agreed to provide his musical expertise, and Mary Lynn Berkshire, Studio 3, and her sister, Kathy Ellis have both agreed to provide choreography for musical productions.

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